You’re Still You

You’re Still You – Josh Groban


Through the darkness

I can see your light

And you will always shine

And I can feel your heart in mine

Your face I’ve memorized

I idolize just you


I look up to

Everything you are

In my eyes you do no wrong

I’ve loved you for so long

And after all is said and done

You’re still you

After all

You’re still you


You walk past me

I can feel your pain

Time changes everything

One truth always stay the same

You’re still you

After all

You’re still you


I look up to

Everything you are

In my eyes you do no wrong

And I believe in you

Although you never asked me to

I will remember you

And what life put you through


And in this cruel and lonely world

I found one love

You’re still you

After all

You’re still you



Does this song sounds familiar to you? I hope so.

It was taken from the first album of Josh Groban, and It was sang by Josh on the Ally McBeal serial. I really like this song, not because of the beautiful voice of Josh, but the lyrics also meaningful. And I listen to it all the time during my deadlines, hehehe, why? I don’t know, I just like it….and sometimes I sang along with Josh…hahaha J


One day, do you ever feel that someone that near you, they might be your family or your friends. If you really know them, you just realized that somethings that just can’t change right? Like his/her interest or habit (the good and the bad one). Just like this song, you’re still you.

Well, it’s not that everybody shouldn’t change, if it is a bad habit of course he/she has to changed it for his/her own goodness. All I’m trying to say is that at one point everyone should keep his/her own unique characteristic, so that everybody will remember.


This song also says that

I look up to

Everything you are

In my eyes you do no wrong

I’ve loved you for so long

And after all is said and done

You’re still you

After all

You’re still you

Kalo emang lagi in love pastinya lihat semuanya baik-baik saja yah, ga ada yang salah.

Jadi, diri kita selalu melakukan suatu pembenaran, misalnya kalo ada yang ga sreg pasti bilangnya gini : ah, mungkin dia lagi ga fit atau dia lagi banyak masalah jadi suka gitu, de el el… Padahal kenyataannya memang itu suatu habit yang ga bisa dirubah.


Back to the topic You’re still You. In my work place, actually I’m dealing with so many people with different characteristic. When it comes to collecting the data, I’ll surely know which Unit that haven’t done it, or which one that always come in last minute. Sometimes I just wonder why it happened all the time, why don’t they want to change into a better person, because there’s one quote from my mom, she always says : If somebody is angry or keep advising you because you did something wrong, you must think positively that she/he wanted you to become a better person. He/She really care for you, that’s why they angry with you. If somebody didn’t care for you, He/She wouldn’t advise you, the just leave you that way. Translate in Indo (soalnya kayaknya bahasa Inggrisnya takutnya ga sesuai nih terjemahannya). Gue inget banget ama kata-kata Nyokap gue. Kalo seseorang mau ngomelin elo, mau nasehatin elo, berarti orang itu masih care/peduli/sayang ama elo karena dia mau elo jadi orang yang bener bukan jadi orang yang salah/berengsek. Jadi jangan kalo orang marahin elo, trus elo jadi dendam ato benci ama tuh orang. Bayangin aja deh, kalo orang udah cuek ama elo, pastinya dia udah ga perduli ama lo, entah lo mau jungkir balik kek, mau tersesat kek, ato mo nyebur ke sumur juga ga di peduliin. Gituuu looo… J mengerti kalian semua??? Ya…mengerti bu guru… Bagus, semua dapat coklat :p, hehehe (apa coba?)


Kembali lagi ke topik, iya nih soal kerjaan lagi, anehnya tuh gue udah capek sering kali ngomel ama unit-unit itu tapi hanya beberapa yang bisa berubah dan sekarang udah jadi unit yang Oke… Duh senengnnya kalo bisa membuat unit itu jadi oke J, ga nyusahin lagi. Tapi herannya tetep aja masih ada beberapa unit yang kayaknya ga mau berubah, ntah merekanya yang males berubah, atau bebal dari sananya ya?? (please forgive me for saying mereka bebal). Anyway, kadangan mereka sih berasa kali yah kalo gue suka marah-marah sama mereka, bukan maksudnya mau marah loh, semua murni karena masalah kerjaan, nothing personal loh…. Gue cuman berharap mereka ga sakit hati sama gue, karena pastinya gue mau mereka berubah menjadi yang terbaik, sesuai dengan motto meeting yang terakhir yaitu “ Be The Best is My Commitment”. Kadangan saking keselnya jadi pengen nagih janji itu tuh sama mereka….jangan-jangan mereka udah lupa kali ama motto itu. :p wah parah deh kalo sampe kayak gitu.


Terakhir, karena udah ngalor ngidul ga keruan…..

Kayaknya blog hari ini kayak Jaka Sembung naik ojek… ga nyambung jack…

Maap yah para pembaca kalo ga nyambung, lagi error kali hari ini harus di reboot ulang nih memory di kepala dah full, hahaha ato malah lagi kena virus jadi blog nya aneh kayak gini… bener ato salah harap dimaapin ya.


Finally, Remind me if I’m wrong, this song was sang by Josh in Ally McBeal during her broken heart. Is this song really for the broken hearted one? I’m not sure. Anybody could give me any clues?

Ciaoooo ^-^




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3 Responses to You’re Still You

  1. Margaret Shinta says:

    It’s not about only ‘YOU’ but try to look the other side which is ‘ME’:
    – sometimes we cannot change others habit, maybe we have to change our perspective –> point of view
    – GOD’s purpose to make us becoming more and more patience person

    GOD grant me:
    SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change
    COURAGE to change the things I can, and
    WISDOM to know the differences

    Have a wonderful time and have a blessed day, friend!!

    Life is beautiful,
    sometimes you have to let it flow…but keep the spirit high and do your best, GOD will take care the rest….

  2. lidyajhalim says:

    Hi.. cc Shinta,
    Thanks for the comment… hahaha, ini padahal blog iseng aja, ga pernah nulis jadi ngaco gini…
    But, anyway, mungkin karena work pressure jd nulis gini deh.
    Yup, I do agree that we have to change our perspective –> point of view. Just trying to think positively about everything..
    Cheers ^-^

  3. ary says:

    Hmm… Semua tulisannya ngga ngalor ngidul seperti yg tertekan krn deadline 🙂 ide2nya natural, fresh.
    Orang yg jatuh cinta bkn melihat sglanya indah.Tp seharusnya tetap bisa melihat kekurangannya. Hanya karena ada cinta, orang tersebut bisa TOLERAN terhadap kekurangan yg dicintainya. Manusia tdk ada yg sempurna, yg ada adalah kita bs melihat orang lain secara utuh, bahwa setiap orang itu sempurna dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangannya.
    Bingung nulis apa lagi. Nanti kutambah lagi kalau sudah ingat.
    Teruslah menulis ya 🙂

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